Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit

Bachelor's Degree from an accredited university

Required Documents
  1. CTC Educator Profile with full LEGAL name

  2. Completed CTC fingerprints
  3. OFFICIAL transcripts verifying a bachelor's degree
    • Official transcripts MUST be sent directly from the university to the Credential Specialist assigned to the first letter of your last name. (see chart below)

After verifying that all requirements have been met, click HERE to submit your application.

Additional Information
Once FCSS verifies that all requirements have been met, a recommendation will be sent to CTC for approval. CTC will send detailed instructions to the email listed on your CTC Profile after you have been recommended. The fee for the permit is $102.65 paid by Debit or Credit.
Applications are processed in the order received. Once you submit your application to FCSS you will be sent a link to view your application at any time. Once your application has been completed and the recommendation has been made, you will receive an additional email from Informed K12 of the completion status. At that time, you will also receive the email from CTC to finish the recommendation and pay.

Alyss Cuiriz (A-E)

Felicia Urrabazo (F-L)
Bilingual - Spanish

Gina Sorensen (M-R)

Morgan Willis (S-Z)

IMPORTANT: Please do not apply directly through CTC's online application. Submitting your application via CTC will significantly delay the process, taking up to 50 days for clearance.

Incomplete applications will be rejected.