New California Educators

How to Apply

The Credentials Department is able to provide information and guidance when applying for specific credential(s)/permit(s). However, you may refer to the links below to review information provided by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) pertaining to each specific credential/permit. The Credentials Department can also submit the application to CTC on your behalf. If you are hired through a Fresno County School District, you will need to work with your District to submit the application to our office. If you are not hired through a Fresno County School District and need assistance with your application, please review the checklists below and contact the Credential Specialist assigned to your last name.

Alyss Cuiriz (A-E)

Felicia Urrabazo (F-L)
Bilingual - Spanish

Gina Sorensen (M-R)

Morgan Willis (S-Z)

Road Map to Teaching

Not sure where to start? Visit CTC's Road Map to Teaching. Here, you will find many helpful resources to get you on your way to becoming a California Educator!

Credential/Permit Requirements

If you are mailing an application to the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools Credentials Department, please include everything in one packet. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Applications are processed in the order received.

Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Attention: Credentials Department
1111 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, CA 93721